Teeth Whitening Cost

There are an astounding number of technologies available to ease our lives. And we’re still not satisfied; “faster and better” is the technology-prefacing phrase we like to hear. The phrase we definitely do not like to hear is “more expensive.”

But someone has to pay for the time all those technology whizzes put into arriving in “faster and better” territory. And as with all things bearing a price tag, that someone is the person on the bottom of the food chain, the end-user of the technology.

With the amazing advances in teeth technology which have occurred within the last decade, there is little surprise that teeth whitening costs for the faster and better treatments have risen. On the other hand, teeth whitening costs for the less cutting-edge treatments have either fallen, or remained the same--unless you consider the teeth whitening costs which accrue from having to use them again and again.

The Hidden Cost of Less Costly Treatments

Those over-the-counter whitening strips and gels which are all the rage do actually produce some whitening. But they usually require daily applications over a period of there weeks to a month, and their effectiveness will be limited by the amount of tooth staining substances their users indulge in during that period. It’s a one step-forward, one-step back sort of proposition unless someone is willing to go cold turkey on the coffee, tea, tobacco, chocolate, red wine, and other villainous goodies. And the more often one has to return to them, the more their teeth whitening costs add up.

What are the faster and better alternatives? Try technologically advanced teeth whitening procedures that will get you the “shiny brights” you want in one or two hours. That’s right, hours.

The catch? You have to go to the dentist’s office to have them done, and you have to use your sparkling new choppers to bite the bullet when you get the bill for your teeth whitening costs. If you think it still sounds like a great deal, ask your dentist about laser teeth whitening.

What he or she will describe to you is a process in which a peroxide-based gel is applied to your discolored teeth, and a laser light pulse is applied to the gel. The laser interacts with the peroxide to dissolve the stains on your enamel and the immediately layer of your teeth, and does such a great job that you can expect the teeth to remain spotless for between two and five years. Again the amount of self-discipline you can exercise in the face of tooth-staining substances will make a difference.

One More Hidden Cost

When it comes to teeth whitening costs, there is anaother hidden cost worthy of your consideration. How much are you paying each day in loss of self-confidence because you’re ashamed to smile? Deduct whatever price you would pay to have a smile that lights up a room from the cost of the teeth whitening treatment you choose, and decide where your money will be the most valuable!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Judy_Wellsworth

Teeth Whitening Cost

  1. Doylestown Teeth Whitening April 25, 2011 at 2:33 AM  

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